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Design for Virtual Theatre and Games - The ancient tradition of storytelling en route to new boundaries
In September 1999 the first group of students, a number of 18 in total, started with the program, facing a dynamic curriculum, with a lot of uncertainties. The program was new, the staff was new, the entire field is new. The program does on one hand educate students for an existing field of work, but on the other hand also aims at a new type of work, a field the program hopes to trigger and help to develop. To understand the starting points and vision of this unique programme, it is necessary to look at the history and development of storytelling, and the influence each new media had on society and its development. Nobody knows how language really developed, but we do know that it is one of the primary differences man has from animals. Modern research on primates partly focusses on the ability to communicate through sets of symbols and gestures. But this type of communication does not cross the tresh hold of daily needs. It does not have the ability to discuss and learn through this discussion. And more important, it is not complex enough to tell each other about experiences from others, stories about life.
The second type of stories were the divine stories, fairy tails from our modern point of view, but mythical explanations of unexplainable situations of life for the primitive society. The Sjaman as the first scientist, artist and medical specialist. This is where the roots of storytelling are, the dramatic world as a way to understand the real world, to explain the unexplained, and to feel safe and comfortable while listening to stories of other worlds, other lives, other people. Stories were used to teach, and relax, to understand and wonder. And of course soon the shadows cast through the fire were used to underline the story told, also using masks, costumes and statues as important materials to aid in the experience.
An important change came into Western society with the invention and development of writing, which started around 1000 B.C. The response to this new type of media was the same as with all major changes in storytelling: mistrust to the new way and protectionism to the old way of storytelling. In this case, the written word would be a loss for the training of the mind, people would get "sloppy" in remembering the words, and Rhetorica would be lost forever. And another reaction, which can be found throughout the centuries, was the belief that the old was better than the new: writing could never offer the same type of experience and profoundness as speech could. Writing would never be as cultivated as speech, would always stay a lesser form of storytelling.
The first reactions to the written text as described by Plato are the
same throughout history with the introduction of new media or with major
changes in existing media. A pattern can be recognised looking at the
introduction and development of new media, a pattern which has been desribed
by Hans van Driel (KUB, Netherlands)
as the ARIA-pattern. It consists of four different phases:
It is interesting to see that theatre declined with the rise of a new religion, Christianity. From about 300 A.D. on, the churches tried to prevent people from going to theatre, leading in 398 A.D. for the Council of Carthage to decreed excommunication for all Christians that went to theatre instead of church on holy days. There were different reasons for the Christians to have theatre as an important target: first, it was associated with the celebration of pagan rituals and gods. Second, the moral sense of the church leaders was offended by the type of texts and actions that were often found in theatre at that time, as for instance with the Dionysos celebrations. And thirdly, Christian practices as baptism and the sacrement of bread and wine were often ridiculed by theatre at that time.
The ARIA-pattern can not only be found at the introduction of new media, but also with important changes in existing media: During the first half of the 17th century there was a strong difference between the more classical drama, which was focussed on the listener, and the romantical drama, which was focussed on te viewer. Although it did not question theatre itself, it was an important change in the way theatre was treated and approached.
On the other had there was the disinterest for this new media, or later the resistance to the new media as a type of communication equal to the existing forms. Even in 1933 Rudolf Arnheim feels it is necessary to defend film as a new media, 35 years after its first introduction. Interesting to see is that Arnheim at first defended the silent film as a new media, while later being reluctant to the new shape of this media when sound was introduced. Film nowadays is of course fully accepted as a media for both amusement and Art.
The introduction of television suffered form the same problems. In The Netherlands, Philips started with experimental broadcastings in 1948, and had to hand out hundreds of television sets for free in the surroundings to make a first real television broadcast possible. Nobody was interested, not the government, not the existing radio broadcast companies, not the public.
Although radio had a strong influence on television in the early days, also recognisable by the term "radio pictures" which was often used in the beginning, theatre has been an important source for television programmes. Espescially plays and series were strongly based on theatre practices, instead of film experiences. Partly this was because film studios were in the beginning not willing to cooperate with their rival, but also partly because of the fact that the immediality of the new media resembled theatre more than it did film: in the beginning of television it was difficult and expensive to record programmes, therefor a lot of them were broadcast directly, so actors had to be able to perform over a longer lasting period of time.
With the latest form of new media, the digital media, it is no different story. Again we can recognise a relatively small group of enthousiasts in the beginning, and a larger group of people being reluctant to the influence of this media, and warning for the decay of society and the loss of human intellectualism because we would all become to much dependend of computers and machines. In relation to the World Wide Web often people warn for the overload of information. It would be to much information with to little depth, and therefor one would be unable to gain knowledge and wisdom from this information. The imitation of existing media can be recognised with the Worl Wide Web by the written content and (lineair) structure it had in its beginning. Nowadays image, sound and non-lineairity have become more and more typical structures of the Web.
And of course we can again recognise the ARIA-response to the computergames: a small group of people was mainly amazed by the possibillities of this type of computer use, and saw a large potential for it. But a larger group of people warned against the dangers of the media, similar to the responses television had received already: it would turn children into aggressive, empty headed and anti-social living beings. The computergames were the real-life modern version of The Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
The development of the games industry shows large resemblances with the development of the Hollywood film industry. Comparing the two, one could state that the games industry nowadays is at a similar point as the Hollywood film industry was at the early twenties, just before the realisation of the first sound movie, The Jazz Singer. Sound directly related to the image was one of the most important developments in film, and had a large impact on the development and final outline of this media. After the introduction of sound not much has changed in film: color was added, the aspect ratio changed for some types of film, but they did not have such a large influence as sound did. 3D never made it in film, some early experiments in the fifties, followed by some revivals in the seventies and eighties, could not realise this change in the use of the film, it was bound to stay a two dimensional media.
Film had developed already a number of genres before sound was introduced, but it was only after sound had been introduced that they received their final outlines. Also the types of stories and the way they had to be told changed. Film is nowadays still mainly a media of the image, but with the necessity of the spoken word. Television can be seen as the "visualised spoken word", depending much more on what is said than what is shown, when compared to film. But the image needs the dialogues to tell the story, or the deliberate absence of dialogue can be seen as a statement about the film and its contents.
But what is gameplay, what is this new way of storytelling? Is it the search for instant satisfaction delivered by the pushing of a few (or a lot of) buttons? Or is it something else, is it a form of communication, where game developers wish to enable gamers to experience certain emotions and learn new insights? Although it certainly has elements of the first in it, the most interesting developments can be expected from the second.
At the Utrecht School of the Arts we believe that games should turn to theatre as a starting point for the development of their own contents and structure. Theatre has worked with the knowledge of virtual spaces, of dramatic spaces for centuries now. A big similarity between theatre and games is that they both have to work with the unity of time and space during a scene or situation. Where film and television can stretch or compress time and space within a scene, this is impossible for games. The fact that the game-player is responsible for the flow of action, connects the flow of time and space of the game to the actual time and spatial setting of the player. Within a scene or situation it is impossible to change the time or space, only between scenes, situations or levels it is possible to make larger steps, or move forward or backward in time and space.
Also this opninion has resulted in the long name for this program: in our opinion there is not a big difference between games and what we call virtual theatre. The latter is still something new and very much in development. Known concepts which in our opinion could be seen as virtual theatre are interactive storytelling, but also a "game" as Tender Loving Care, which was called an interactive movie. Partly this is true as it works with movie scenes, but at the moments where the player has to act again, it is clear that the unity of time and space has to exist again. In The Netherlands we have had a television program which was called Tattletoons. Children could, through internet, decide during the week what the development would be in next Sunday's episode.
This means that in our opinion, what is called "gameplay" is nothing more (or less) than a new form of storytelling. Until now stories were told in a lineair way: there is an introduction to the subject and plot, followed by an exposé, the development towards a climax, and the solution of the problem and story. As the writer or storyteller holds all the choices and possibillities in his hand, he is the one responsible for the final outcome of the story. This can also be clearly seen in theatre, where the written text of the playwright is adapted by the director and the artistical team into a new story told. But in the end, it is again a story which is told from the beginning to the end, without the possibillity of changes or choices for the viewer. Games change all this. The story still needs its introduction, and might also know a path of development (key-moments) towards a climax and solution, but there is not just one story which can be "read" or "heared". The storyteller can only setup a frame of a story, without the ultimate control over the flow of the story, as this control is given to the player. Throughout history there are not much examples of a similar situation known. There are a few, as the traditional storyteller that asks his audience for the next thing to happen. Or with "theatre sports" where an audience can decide which characters in what situation have to be shown by the actors in the next five minutes or so. A story can not longer be told. A story has to be developed, has to be there in its layout or design, but has to be picked up by the user and brought further to its development and ending. As a theatre performance can only exist because of the presence of an audience, a game can only exist through the efforts of the gamer. In a way a gamer tells his own story to himself, within the boundaries and possibilities as they have been set by the game developers. But it is and stays the players' story, never seen or experienced by anybody else, but you
Ronald Kox |