

The ultimate arcade game. When you say "videogame", this is the game that will pop up in almost all of the arcade generation.

Pac-Man embodied all the elements of the early arcade aesthetics: a single-action control stick, bright colours, animation interludes between the levels, and characters with no extremities and friendly nicknames. The enemy ghosts, officially known as Shadow (red), Speedy (pink), Bashful (blue), and Pokey (orange), were known as, respectively, Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde.

Originally, the game was to be called Puckman. But the possibility to change the P into an F caused a change of name.


fig. 1. Pac-Man

Pac PC

fig. 2. Pac PC

Gobble Man

fig. 3. Gobble Man

CD Man

fig. 4. CD Man


fig. 5. 3-Demon